Committee: Finance Committee

Contact: Dale Johnson III, Chair – [email protected]

2024 Mission:
The mission of the Finance Committee is to provide a measure of control to the overall financial condition of the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association (MSFCA). We review the short- term and long-term finances of the MSFCA to investigate alternative and innovative financing methods. We do this to ensure stability in the solicitation of revenues and to monitor and review the annual budget.

2024 Report:
I am pleased to report that the MSFCA ended 2023 with a positive cash flow! This is credited largely to our association management firm, Association Resource Center, continues to do an excellent job of making sure expenses stay in line with revenue.

Revenues are continuing to increase on an annual basis. The primary driver of revenue to the MSFCA is conference attendance, followed by the vendor Bugle Sponsorship program and magazine advertising, and the two Fire Officer and Training Officer Schools.

In January 2024, the board adopted the annual budget, which is similar to the 2023 budget. There were no major changes in revenue or expense projections. While the Association’s reserve/investment account continues to be in a positive position, the committee is continuing to work with the Board of Directors to increase our reserves.

The Association contracted with Wegner CPAs to conduct a financial audit of the association for 2023. We are pleased to report that the audit was clean, and there were no findings regarding our financial operations, and our tax returns were filed on time.

The committee will begin developing a budget for 2025 in the coming months, with anticipated approval by the board at their meeting in January 2025.

2024 Finance Committee:

  • Chair: Dale Johnson III, Fire Chief, Tracy

  • Paul Goettl, Fire Chief, Lutsen

  • Tom Oble, Fire Chief (Ret.), Le Suer

  • Kip Springer, Fire Chief, Rosemount

Finance Committee File Library