2024 Annual Conference: Chiefs Issues

Friday, October 18th, 8:00 - 11:30 am | Morning Session
Friday, October 18th, 12:30 - 4:00 pm | Afternoon Session

Chiefs Issues: OSHA Update/Roundtable
Chief Ed Hoffman, Owatonna Fire Dept., Chief Hugo Searle, Eagan Fire Dept., and Chief Mike Dobesh, Richfield Fire Dept.

Session Description

Participants will,

  • Receive an update on the revised Fire Brigade Standard
    • Where the process is at
    • Where (we think) the process is going
    • Best guess for implementation timeline
  • Gain insight to what it may mean for their organization
    • Priorities based upon the standard
    • Financial considerations for departments
  • Have the ability to ask questions of the panel