2024 Annual Conference: Emergency Management

Friday, October 18th, 8:00 - 11:30 am | Morning Session

Emergency Management: Managing an Incident Response to Recovery (with Matchbox Cars)
Lance Ross, MN-CEM, MBA

Session Description
 This will be an interactive class focused on Managing an Incident in your community starting with response and going into recovery.  Many of you may be the Fire Chief, Fire Officer, and Emergency Manager for your Community or a key stakeholder that will be involved with the life cycle of the incident that impacts your community.  This class will allow you to work through scenarios while learning about some of the key tactics that come with the Incident.  This session will utilize a model city (matchbox cars, model buildings) to work through the scenarios.  This will be a fun Interactive, informative session that allows you to utilize educational props (matchbox cars).  Don't miss out.