COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Now that the State of Minnesota has issues a Shelter in Place order, how do I determine if my Firefighters are “Essential”? The Governors order references this link https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce to self-determine essential.
Where do I get PPE for my responders? The MSFCA is a policy and personnel support association. PPE needs should be addressed with your local Emergency Managers and Local Public Health. Those in need of PPE, you may be supplied through those avenues which have links to the State and Federal systems. You can try to obtain them from medical supply companies, but their stock is either out, limited or will be delayed.
Can I use my SCBA to respond if we have a patient with COVID-19? Yes, an SCBA is the highest level of protection.
How can I access testing for my Firefighters? Currently, your local health care and Public Systems have an extremely limited number of tests as we sit today. Only if you have been in contact with a known case, will you be tested. If you test positive, you will be required to be quarantined for at least 14 days.
What basic over the counter product can I use to clean equipment? Any household cleaner you can find at a local store can be used. If you do purchase an over the counter product, be sure to read the label so you understand how the cleaner disinfects.
What do I do with a firefighter who might be exposed? Follow the CDC guidance on exposure. Their guidance can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/guidance-risk-assesment-hcp.html
Should Fire Departments start tracking invoices and time allocated to COVID 19? Yes, everyone should be tracking all of your expenses and time for the planning and preparations fire department are doing.
In response to the COVID-19, the following clarification is provided for All employees under the Work Comp Statute: There is no coverage for an exposure to a disease under the Work Comp statute. A person would have to actually contract an occupational disease for it to be considered under Work Comp. Given this, if an employee was quarantined due to an exposure, there would be no coverage under the work comp statute. If an employee would actually contract the coronavirus and related this to his or her exposure at work, then the employer should file a First Report of Injury and submit it to the LMCIT. There is not a different form to complete for the COVID-19 claims. LMCIT would then gather the all the facts and information surrounding this claim and make a compensability determination. If it is determined that the COVID-19 is related to a work related exposure then the employee would be eligible for ALL benefits provided under the Work Comp Statute regardless whether they are a non-emergency employee, emergency employee (including Police, Fire, EMT, Ambulance), paid-on-call emergency or volunteer emergency personnel. All of these employees would be eligible for necessary, reasonable, and related medical benefits and lost time benefits under the Work Comp Statute. For Volunteer Emergency personnel, lost time benefits would be based on All earnings, including their regular full-time or part-time earnings.
Do you have question about how and when your LMCIT insurance coverage responds during the COVID-19 pandemic? Several experts from our team complied the questions they are receiving most and put the answers here: https://www.lmc.org/insurance-trust/coverages/lmcit-coverage-covid/
Please contact the taskforce at [email protected] with any questions.
