Lifetime Membership

Hard Copy Nomination Form
Online Nomination Form

Minimum Requirements:
In order to apply for a Lifetime Membership in the MSFCA, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicants must have been a member in good standing of the MSFCA for a period of not less than ten (10) years and be nominated for lifetime membership by a current MSFCA member in good standing.
  2. Applicants must meet one or a combination of the following criteria:
    1. A minimum of two (2) years as a committee chair.
    2. A minimum of four (4) years as a committee member.
    3. MSFCA Past President.
    4. MSFCA Board member for two (2) years.
    5. A minimum of four (4) years for MSFCA external appointments.
  3. Exceptions: Any person not meeting the above criteria for Lifetime Membership may be nominated by a current MSFCA member in good standing and shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

Application Procedure: Members of the MSFCA who desire to nominate a person meeting the criteria for a Lifetime Membership in the Association shall complete the application form. Applications shall be submitted to the MSFCA Office. The MSFCA Office will review all applications for accuracy, completeness, and verify each applicant meets the minimum requirements.

Awarding Process and Criteria: The MSFCA Board of Directors shall review each application and consider the following criteria when reviewing applications:

  1. Has the applicant contributed to the success of the MSFCA?
  2. Has the applicant demonstrated a commitment to the Minnesota State Fire Service as a whole?
  3. Has the applicant represented the MSFCA in a professional and forthright manner?
  4. Would granting a Lifetime Membership to the applicant bring disrepute on the MSFCA?
  5. Any other such criteria the Board of Directors deems would be appropriate and in keeping with the value and vision of the MSFCA.

Once applications are reviewed, they shall be voted on and approved by the MSFCA Board of Directors.

Benefits: All lifetime members shall be entitled to the following benefits and privileges:

  1. Complimentary membership dues (non-voting member), which includes a subscription to the MSFCA publications.
  2. Complimentary registration for the Annual Conference trade show and a 20% discount if interested in attending the full Annual Conference.

The MSFCA Office will notify all applicants of the status of their applications once the Board of Directors has made its decision.

Current Lifetime Members: Any person who has been previously awarded a MSFCA lifetime membership at the time of this policy becoming effective shall remain a MSFCA lifetime member.

Revocation of Lifetime Membership: If any person who has been awarded a lifetime membership in this association should for any reason threaten to bring disrepute and dishonor to the MSFCA the Board of Directors may consider revoking the lifetime membership. This action should not be taken lightly and be used only in extremely egregious circumstances.

Revocation of lifetime membership can only be acted on by the MSFCA Board of Directors if a majority of Board Members petition the then MSFCA President for the issue to be considered.

Revocation of a lifetime membership will require a majority vote by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall notify the member of the result of the vote in writing. 

 Submit Lifetime Membership nomination forms to the MSFCA Office at [email protected].